Digital Marketing Blog

6 Pro Strategies on How To Create A Strong Landing Page

Written by Kelsi McKee | May 28, 2024 5:18:03 PM

For small to medium-sized businesses, a compelling landing page can be the cornerstone of a successful marketing campaign. Whether you aim to increase sales, generate leads, or promote a new product, an effective landing page can significantly enhance your conversion rates and build brand trust. 

According to research, the average landing page conversion rate across all industries is six percent, while 10 percent is considered the benchmark for a good conversion rate. To get close to hitting your goal mark, you must focus on crafting landing pages that benefit you and your target audience. With a few pro tips, you’ll be well on your way to accomplishing exactly that.

Read on as our in-house experts share six professional strategies for creating a strong landing page that converts visitors into customers.

1. Craft a Clear and Concise Headline

Your headline is the first thing visitors will see, so it needs to make an impact. It should be clear and concise in communicating the core benefit of your offering. The headline should compel visitors to stay and learn more about the product or service you’re enticing them to purchase. A good rule of thumb is to keep your content straightforward and directly related to the rest of the content on the page.

2. Focus on a Single Call to Action (CTA)

One of the most critical elements of your landing page is the Call to Action (CTA). This is what you want your visitors to do, whether it’s to subscribe, buy, or register. Your CTA should be bold and easy to find. Avoid cluttering the page with multiple requests or actions; this can lead to confusion and dilute your main message. Make your CTA clear and easy to respond to, ideally placing it above the fold so visitors see it immediately without scrolling.

If you’re wondering what we mean by “above the fold,” Google describes this concept as any content visible on a web page before the user scrolls. Any content users need to scroll down to see would be considered “below the fold.”

3. Use Engaging Visuals

Humans are visual creatures, and using high-quality images or videos can help increase engagement. Visuals should complement the text, not distract from it. Use images that illustrate the benefits of your product or service and align with your brand. Videos can be particularly effective, especially if they demonstrate how a product works or what a customer might gain from your offer.

4. Optimize for Speed and Mobile

Your landing page’s load time significantly impacts your bounce rate. The faster the page loads, the better the user experience and the higher the likelihood of conversion. Ensure you optimize images, minimize scripts, and employ a speedy hosting solution.

Moreover, with the increasing use of mobile devices to access the web, your landing page must be responsive. This means it should look good and function well on devices of all sizes, from desktops to smartphones.

5. Build Trust with Testimonials and Guarantees

Trust is an essential component of conversion. Include elements that build credibility: customer testimonials, endorsements from industry experts, press mentions, or security badges can all lend credibility to your offer. If appropriate, offer guarantees to alleviate perceived risks, such as money-back guarantees or free trials.

6. A/B Test Your Landing Page

Finally, even with all these elements in place, there’s no guarantee that your landing page will perform as expected. A/B testing can play a vital role in understanding what works best. Try different versions of your page to see what resonates most with your audience, and use the insights gained from these tests to refine your approach. Here are a few examples of what could be test-worthy on your landing page:

  • Headlines: Test different phrasings or lengths to see which captures attention better.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Experiment with different colors, sizes, placements, and wording.
  • Images and Videos: Compare different images or videos versus no video to gauge the impact on engagement.
  • Layout and Design: Try variations in the arrangement of elements, such as side-by-side comparisons versus stacked, to determine layout effectiveness.
  • Content: Vary the amount of text, the tone of the message, and the features versus benefits highlighted.
  • Forms: Test the length and types of fields (e.g., number of fields, optional vs. required fields).
  • Navigation Links: Evaluate the impact of including or excluding additional navigation options.
  • Colors and Fonts: Change color schemes or font styles and sizes to see which performs better.
  • Social Proof: Use well-known clients' testimonials, reviews, or logos to see how they influence conversions.
  • Offers: Test different promotional offers or how they are presented (percentage off vs. dollar amount off, etc.).
  • Trust Signals: Experiment with different placements or types of trust badges (security, money-back guarantee, etc.).

Creating a strong landing page involves understanding both the art and science of marketing. At Fable Heart Media, our dedicated team blends the best of both worlds and focuses on perfecting these simple but powerful strategies so that our clients can stress less about the process of creating a perfect landing page and enjoy watching the results pour in. With the right team by your side, you can create landing pages that capture attention and convert that attention into action.

Ready to experience heartfelt campaigns your audience will truly love? Reach out to our Fable Heart Media team today.

Also, don’t miss out on our blog page for more helpful tips.