While strategies answer why you’re doing something, tactics get specific by pinpointing how.
Tactics are specific, strategic actions that help you achieve your marketing goals. As you build your marketing plan, you also need to consider the traditional and digital tactics you intend to use. Let’s take a look at some of your assets:
- Owned Media: channels that you control, such as your company’s website, social media accounts, imagery and photography, blog content, etc
- Earned Media: the recognition you receive through PR, guest blogging, reviews, press coverage, or other people sharing your content
- Paid Media: marketing channels you spend money on, such as billboards, flyers, social media ads, or Google advertising
Robust marketing plans use these various types of media in tandem to form a holistic path toward goal achievement. For example, you can use Google ads with a search engine optimized blog to build brand awareness for a specific product. At the same time, you can also guest blog about the benefits of your product, then link to your website at the end of the post.
You’re probably using a list of marketing tactics already, such as:
- Print marketing
- Social media posts
- White papers
- Videos
- Blog posts
- Podcasts
- Surveys
The list keeps going, but you get the idea. It’s not enough to go on a content creation spree. Instead, each of these tactics should roll up to a strategy, objective, and goal. What kind of content can you create to help you achieve your goals?