How To Humanize AI Content In 3 Simple Steps

Jun 14, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the landscape of content creation, offering unprecedented efficiency in generating text. However, despite its prowess, the content generated by a computer can sometimes lack the nuances and emotional depth that content written by good ole humans offers. 

To bridge this gap and infuse a touch of humanity into AI content, we’re diving into the top popular AI-generating tools that marketers utilize and sharing three simple steps to ensure your content resonates more deeply with your audience.

Top AI Tools For Marketers

OpenAI's GPT-4: Developed by OpenAI, GPT is one of the most advanced language processing AI models available. It can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. GPT-4 excels in creating a wide range of content types, from blog posts and articles to creative stories and code. Its ability to understand and generate content in context makes it particularly valuable for creating personalized and relevant marketing copy.

Jasper (formerly Jarvis): Jasper is a versatile AI writing assistant that helps marketers craft compelling content across various formats, including blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns. It uses AI to help users overcome writer's block, generate creative content ideas, and even optimize content for SEO. Jasper is known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility, making it a popular choice among content marketers.

Writesonic: An AI-powered writing tool designed to cater to marketing needs, Writesonic specializes in generating high-quality digital ads, product descriptions, landing pages, and much more. Writesonic aims to boost conversion rates through compelling copy that engages and persuades potential customers. One of its standout features is the ability to create multiple variations of a single piece of content, allowing marketers to test different approaches to see what works best. is an AI content generator focused primarily on marketing copy. It uses machine learning to produce creative and high-converting copy for ads, social media posts, website headers, and more. It's particularly useful for businesses looking to generate ideas and refine messaging quickly. also offers tools for brainstorming blog topics, improving product descriptions, and crafting compelling CTA (call-to-action) buttons.

AI technology is rapidly improving but still feels robotic to most readers. Here are ways you can inject a human feel into AI-generated content.

Step 1: Infuse Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Personal stories and anecdotes add a layer of relatability and authenticity that AI alone cannot achieve. They transform the narrative from merely informational to emotionally engaging, which helps to capture and retain the reader's interest.

How to Implement

  • Integrate Personal Experiences. When appropriate, weave personal experiences related to the topic at hand. For example, if the content is about productivity tools, share a personal story about how a specific tool dramatically changed your workflow.
  • Use Relatable Scenarios. Incorporate scenarios that your target audience can relate to. This approach can help illustrate points more vividly and make abstract concepts tangible.

Step 2: Emphasize Emotive Language

Emotive language plays a crucial role in how content resonates with readers. It can evoke feelings such as excitement, empathy, or curiosity, making the content more compelling and memorable.

How to Implement

  • Identify the Desired Emotion. Determine what emotions are relevant to your content’s message. For example, if you're writing about overcoming challenges, words like "empowered," "triumph," and "courage" can be very effective.
  • Use Sensory Descriptions. Describe how something smells, sounds, feels, or looks. Sensory details can make descriptions come alive, providing a richer reading experience.
  • Adjust Tone and Style. Adapt the tone and style to suit the intended audience. A conversational tone often works well to engage readers, making the text feel more like a dialogue than a monologue.

Step 3: Implement Feedback Loops

Feedback is a cornerstone of improvement in any field. In the context of AI-generated content, feedback loops help continually refine and adjust the content based on real human responses, leading to more natural and appealing outputs.

How to Implement

  • Gather Reader Feedback. Use surveys, comments, or social media interactions to gauge how readers feel about the AI-generated content. Are they finding it helpful? Engaging? Confusing?
  • Analyze Engagement Metrics. Look at analytics for bounce rates, time spent on page, and social shares to see how well the content is performing. High engagement levels often indicate that the content is resonating well with readers.
  • Iterate Based on Insights. Use the collected data to guide how the AI models are adjusted. For instance, if readers respond positively to a friendly, informal tone, train your AI to adopt this style more consistently.

Humanizing AI-generated content is essential for creating genuine connections with your audience. By integrating personal anecdotes, utilizing emotive language, and establishing feedback loops, digital marketing agencies like Fable Heart Media have enhanced the warmth and relatability of the content we proudly create for clients. These steps improve the reader's experience and boost engagement and trust in a brand. 

As AI continues to evolve, the key to maximizing its potential in content creation lies in our ability to imbue it with human touch—an intersection of efficiency and empathy. Contact our compassionate team of digital marketers for your free consultation today!

Additionally, don’t miss stopping by our blog page for more industry-leading content tips.

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We are Fable Heart Media, a digital marketing agency in Jacksonville, FL, that focuses on driving measurable growth and obtaining results for our clients. Whether you own a small company or lead a marketing team, our team can help you achieve your business goals. We love creating stunning websites and writing awesome blogs, but for us, nothing tops the feeling of watching our clients grow online due to our marketing partnership.