6 Things Marketers Can Learn From The Rise of Pickleball

Aug 12, 2024

Are you ready for a marketing tip that will help you go viral like the new sport that’s sweeping the nation? Pickleball, a hybrid of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has rapidly gained popularity among millennials and Gen Z since 2020, with a 223% growth rate and an estimated 14 million total players accumulated by this year. How did this pastime, which was originally enjoyed by children and retirees, gain such momentum among the younger adult population, and what can this surge in interest teach marketers about engaging these dynamic and diverse generations?

To fully understand what we can learn from a marketing perspective, we must first put on our research cap and explore why the sport of pickleball became so viral to begin with.

Why Pickleball Has Surged in Popularity Among Millennials and Gen Zers

Accessibility and Ease of Play

Pickleball is known for being easy to learn and play, making it accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. Its simple rules and minimal equipment requirements lower the barrier to entry, allowing more people to participate without needing extensive training or expensive gear.

Social Interaction and Community Building

The game is often played in doubles, which promotes social interaction and teamwork. Pickleball offers a perfect blend of competition and camaraderie for millennials and Gen Z, who value community and social experiences. This social aspect is a significant draw for younger players looking to connect with friends or meet new people.

Health and Wellness Benefits

With a growing emphasis on health and wellness, many millennials and Gen Z individuals are looking for enjoyable ways to stay active. Pickleball provides a fun, low-impact workout that improves cardiovascular health, coordination, and mental well-being. The game’s physical benefits and enjoyable nature make it an attractive option for those seeking a healthier lifestyle.

Social Media Influence

Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram have played a crucial role in pickleball’s rise. Videos of pickleball games, tutorials, and influencers playing the sport have gone viral, driving interest and participation. The sport’s visual appeal and shareability have made it a hit among younger audiences who are active on social media.


Pickleball’s inclusive nature allows people of varying ages and fitness levels to play together. This inclusivity appeals to millennials and Gen Z, who prioritize diversity and inclusiveness in their activities and communities.

Now that we’ve discussed the HOW behind the growth of this dynamic sport let’s explore WHAT we can learn. Readers, it’s time to put on our super-marketer monocles and dive deep. 

1. Embrace Trends that Combine Fun and Fitness

One particular lesson that stands out is that, as marketers, we must seek to promote products or services that combine the “appealing” aspect and the “benefits.” Millennials and Gen Z value experiences that enhance their well-being without feeling like a chore. Highlight how your specific product or service makes everyday tasks enjoyable and yet also accessible.


If you’re marketing a fitness app, emphasize the fun and social aspects of working out with friends or participating in group challenges, something the younger generations truly value.

2. Capitalize on Social and Community Aspects

Create and promote community-driven experiences. Leverage social platforms to build communities around your brand, encouraging interaction and engagement. As briefly touched on, highlight inclusivity and the social benefits of your product or service.


Organize virtual events, challenges, or meet-ups for your customers to foster a sense of community and encourage user-generated content that showcases their experiences with your product or service. 

3. Leverage Social Media for Viral Growth

Utilize social media to create buzz. Encourage user-generated content and leverage influencers (when possible) to spread the word about your brand. Viral content can significantly increase brand awareness and engagement among younger audiences.


Launch a social media campaign where users share videos of themselves using your product in creative ways. Benefits like discounts, free samples, and more will encourage participation.

4. Offer Affordable and Accessible Options

Focus on affordability and accessibility in your product offerings, especially in an era where younger generations always seek to have more while spending less. Highlight the cost-effectiveness of your products and ensure that your marketing messages emphasize value, appealing to budget-conscious customers.


An attractive aspect of pickleball is the ability to access community courts for free and not having to spend an arm and a leg just to get basic gear. Use this model to promote budget-friendly versions of your product or offer flexible payment plans to make your offerings more accessible to younger audiences.

5. Highlight Any Health and Wellness Benefits

Millennials and Gen Z are highly conscious of their physical and mental health, and the data shows it. Tailor your marketing messages to emphasize how your offering contributes to a healthier, hassle-free, stress-free lifestyle.


If you’re marketing a meal delivery service, highlight the nutritional benefits of the meals and their convenience. Demonstrate to younger generations how your meal service allows them to enjoy a balanced lifestyle without stressing over ingredient planning and preparation.

6. Adapt to the Changing Preferences of Younger Generations

Stay adaptable and responsive to the evolving preferences of your audience. Innovate by blending traditional and modern elements to create appealing offerings. Understand cultural shifts and tailor your marketing strategies to align with the current trends and values of younger generations.


Introduce new product features or variations based on emerging trends and customer feedback, similar to how pickleball blends elements from different sports to create a unique and modern game.

The rise of pickleball among millennials and Gen Z is a testament to the importance of fun, community, accessibility, and health in appealing to younger customers. Marketers can learn from this trend by creating experiences that combine these elements, leveraging social media for viral growth, and highlighting the benefits that resonate with these dynamic generations. 

To get started drawing more attention and customers to your products and services, contact our dedicated digital marketing team at Fable Heart Media. We’ll help you cook up the perfect blend of irresistible content, powerful SEO, and engaging ads that will knock out the rest of the competition. 

As they say in pickleball, “dill with it.” 

Check out our blog page for more can’t-miss marketing tips!

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